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Retained Mode GUI

UI Placement

I did a lot of references on how other game engines handle graphical user interfaces, i.e. Unreal, Unity, Godot, etc. They all seem to arrive to a consensus on how to do dynamic UI positioning. That is, using anchor and offsets.


Anchor defines a rectangular area relative to the parent element in terms of its ratio. On the x-axis, 0 represents the left edge and 1 represents the right edge. On the y-axis, o represents the top edge and 1 represents the bottom edge. If anchor is set to (left: 0.1, top: 0.1, right: 0.8, bottom: 0.8), this means the child element will start at 10% until 80% of the parent bound.


Offset is literally the offsets from the rectangular area defined by the anchor attribute as shown above. Following the same coordaintes, +X points to the right of the screen and +Y points to the bottom of the screen. This is just a way to fine tune the position of the child UI element relative to its parent.

Adding it up!

To make it more obvious, here's a code snippet describing how the child region is calculated from its parent bound.

UIRect {
  .left = parent_rect.left + parent_width * anchor.left + offset.left,
  .top = + parent_height * +,
  .right = parent_rect.left + parent_width * anchor.right + offset.right,
  .bottom = + parent_height * anchor.bottom + offset.bottom