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Andy (Tsz Kin) Chan

tkchanat | @tkchanat | Andy Chan | Vancouver, BC

I am a rendering software engineer at Animal Logic Vancouver, developing in-house production renderer Glimpse. I love both offline and realtime graphics. My main interests are light transport and Monte Carlo path tracer, but any compute graphics related topics fascinate me too.

This site is my dedicated graphics dump yard where you can (occasionally) find some useful knowledge. Happy diving!


* Trademarks of the above are owned by their respective companies and publishers.


Can You See the Heat? A Null-scattering Approach for Refractive Volume Rendering - SIGGRAPH 2023

Basile Fraboni, Tsz Kin Chan, Thibault Vergne, Jakub Jeziorski

[Project Page] | [Paper]

Personal Projects

Migrating from old webpage


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK (2016 - 2020)

Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science

  • Advanced Computer Graphics
  • Applied Statistics and Linear Algebra
  • Computer Organization and Operating System
  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Software Engineering

KTH Royal Institue of Technology, Sweden (2019 Jan - June)

Exchange Study, Master's Program

  • Computer Graphics and Interaction
  • Music Communication and Music Technology
  • Machine Learning


Tools & Application

VSCode VisualStudio Git USD Unity UE4 Blender

Programming Languages

C++ Rust Python C# Javascript

Graphics API

Vulkan OpenGL DirectX 11 WebGL